P&G Indonesia Provides 75 Hand Washing Stations for 30 Schools in West Java

Indonesia Hand Washing

Covid-19 is worsening inequalities for women and girls and discrimination of other deprived and marginalized groups, including the school children. While we are combating the looming crisis of school dropouts due to the digital divide, children also do not have access to proper sanitation facilities. Particularly those who live in slums, and villages, are not able to follow the hand-washing guidance as required.

P&G Indonesia celebrated its 30th anniversary a few years ago by having a special #Gemilangdi30Tahun (#Shiningat30Years) celebration with a charity concert. The funds raised were donated to help rehabilitate schools and provide school facilities in the affected areas by a Tsunami at that time.

Indonesia Hand Washing

Working together with Save the Children Indonesia, P&G Indonesia used the remaining funds from the concert to provide 75 communal handwashing stations and thermo guns across 30 schools in the West Java area.

While most are still in the home learning arrangement, the program prepares the school and the teachers for the school opening post-Covid-19. The team also provided them with the correct guidelines to hand wash, to ensure that the health and safety protocols are met at all times, especially during the pandemic.

Indonesia Hand Washing

#Gemilangdi30Tahun is an example of how we’re stepping up to Lead with Love.