P&G Singapore Brings Chinese New Year Festive Cheer to Families in Need

Singapore Home Delivery

Annual reunions are a time when families come together, take family photos and celebrate new beginnings. The coronavirus pandemic halted most traditions around family get-togethers and Lunar New Year celebrations — until P&G Singapore employees stepped in with support.

In February 2021, more than 400 families in need from the South West District of Singapore received a free professional family portrait session, along with P&G household packs and a carton mandarin oranges and Festive Cheer packs to celebrate the Lunar New Year. The event was made possible through a continued partnership between the South West Community Development Council (CDC) and P&G Singapore.

Family portrait signifies unity wherein the whole family gathers for a family photograph; it also captures treasured moments which the family can keep as a legacy and a memento for life. Ms. Juliana Binte Razali, a mother of six, is from one of the families who received the family portrait and festive packs

“I am thankful for this opportunity to have a professional family portrait taken and also for all the items in the festive packs,” Binte Razali said. “I hardly see my kids nowadays as they are either working or schooling, and they go out during the weekends. This is the first time we have taken a family portrait in a long while and I am so glad that everyone specially made time for it. I cannot wait to put this portrait up on our shelf!”

In view of the COVID-19 situation, P&G Singapore and the SW CDC team organized this event virtually and made special courier arrangements to send 450 Festive Cheer packs to the designated Community Centre for door-to-door distribution and individual collection.

The distribution of Festive Cheer packs to families in need is an example of how we’re stepping up to Lead with Love.