
Meet European Summit Innovator: Adam Boulding

Welcome to our European Summit Innovator series, where we introduce you to some of P&G’s leading scientists, engineers and designers. Keep scrolling to take a peek at how they each help improve everyday items that benefit our consumers.

Adam Boulding, Research and Development Scientist

Adam Boulding, Research and Development Scientist

“As a scientist, I love to understand the why. The more I understand about the science behind how and why things work, the more beautiful I find the world. It’s always been a passion for me.

And that is also the reason why I applied for a job at P&G. For more than 100 years already, the company has been THE inventor of everyday products that make people’s lives easier and better.

P&G plans on doing the same in the next 100 years! They are not hiring you to think about today’s and the next quarter’s challenges, they are hiring you to work on new innovations and build the business and your career for at least the next 20-50 years. P&G has definitely built my knowledge: here, you are always learning and trying something new, no two days are alike.

I have now worked for P&G as a Scientist in Research and Development in Health Care for 15 years. One of the innovations I have been involved in, and which makes me utterly proud, is the launch of Oral-B Pro-Expert toothpaste. I worked in chemistry, and we had developed a completely new and revolutionary toothpaste technology — Crest Pro-Health with stannous fluoride and sodium hexametaphosphate — and under the Oral-B brand I launched this all over the world, from the UK to Australia.

Seeing dentists try it and see the clinical efficacy above anything they had ever tried before was fantastic and exciting. This launch made P&G the global leader in Oral Care, #1 with no compromise or comparison, a truly consumer noticeable significantly superior technology brand.

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I experience the same excitement about Vicks ZzzQuil, the melatonin sleep supplements. With this product, we are helping millions of Europeans to get a great night sleep. With thousands of five-star reviews, we are clearly meeting their unmet and untreated needs and are delighting them every day and night. Seeing something you helped invent make such a big difference in people's lives and happiness is so rewarding and motivating.

Although I love my job, a bit of escapism is always welcome. To relax, I love to go to the movies and to the pub to drink a beer. Of course, in the name of science. After all, beer brewing and mixology are just other chemistry experiments you can share with friends.”


Meet European Summit Innovator: Cindy Vandingenen

Cindy Vandingene

Cindy Vandingenen, Group Head of R&D Product Research

“Fairy Max Power is without any doubt my favorite P&G product. The bottle is so easy to use: no flip-top cap, just grab and squeeze, to the very last drop. Moreover, the powerful product provides excellent cleaning — even in cooler water — and saves me time (I don't have to wait for the water to heat) and energy when doing the dishes. This is in essence what every P&G product does: improving the lives of consumers — even in a small way. By making household chores easier and faster, people can spend more time on what really matters to them.

For me personally, this extra time won is spent on reading books. I love to dive into sci-fi and fantasy books, as they take me to a completely new world. Exploring unknown worlds has always been a passion of mine. As a child I even wanted to become an archaeologist. I liked history and wanted to understand and discover how people lived ages ago.

Even today I'm still fascinated by ancient cultures and their remains, like in Machu Picchu, Stonehenge, Angkor, Luxor, etc.


If I had more time, I would definitely spend it on traveling and exploring different countries and cultures. But for the time being I’m exploring the wonderful world of P&G. Throughout your career at this company, you have the opportunity to work in different departments and different functions. It’s great to have opportunities to grow and to have new experiences. At the Brussels Innovation Center, with employees representing more than 50 different nationalities, I get to encounter and work with different people and different cultures, which is so enriching!”


Meet the European Summit Innovators

Bastien Goesken, Senior Scientist in Packaging Research and Development for Haircare

Photo of Bastien Goesken and quote: "I feel like I can handle anything, no matter how bit the challenge."

As a child I dreamed of becoming a toolmaker, just like my dad who was my role model in so many ways. I even completed a 3.5-year apprenticeship to become a mechatronic by job education, a hands-on job profile very similar to what I saw my father doing all those years. Only later, after already having learned this craft, I decided to start Mechatronic Engineering Studies at University. Today, I'm very proud of the craft I learned, which I still apply in my job and in my hobbies.

Motorbiking is probably my favorite hobby and for me the best way to relax outside of work. I also enjoy working on my bike myself, as it requires a lot of technical mastery, but also brings great satisfaction. The same goes for every innovation we develop within P&G. I love that our work results in real products for everyday life. A great example - developed by my Homecare R&D colleagues - is the Fairy Max Power dishwashing detergent in the inversed dispenser bottle. Seldomly has a product innovation literally inverted the delight of a household task as much as this bottle does. There are not that many opportunities to work in a scientific environment so tightly connected to people's life and that’s one of the reasons why I enjoy working at P&G so much.

I am also very proud of my leading role in the development of super light-weighted shampoo bottles. If implemented across the entire FMCG industry, this process could cut the plastic consumption in half. From a technical point of view, this was not the most complex challenge I have ever worked on, but I am particularly proud of it because it has a huge impact on sustainability.

My biggest achievement in life though is being able now to reply ‘very good’, every time I'm asked the common question ‘how are you doing?’. In the recent past I went through a phase of ‘not doing well’, but I’ve learned how to deal with it and how to implement the right things for me to be able to revert back to that ‘I feel good’ – feeling. Thanks to that new mindset, I feel like I can handle anything again, no matter how big the challenge.