
P&G Recognizes its Champions and Change Agents in Diversity & Inclusion

On August 3, P&Gers from all over the world converged in Cincinnati to be part of the Company's 4th Annual Global Diversity & Inclusion Awards.

The finalists' all-day schedule of events included attending the live CEO Quarterly Webcast (where they were pictured below), exchanging ideas for reapplication, getting an official tour of the P&G headquarters—and of course, attending the awards ceremony in the evening.

Champions and Change Agents in Diversity & Inclusion

This year’s finalists and winners share common strengths for which they have become known and recognized among their peers. They are all leaders and role models who are embracing change, taking initiative, and having a positive impact on our organization and business.

William Gipson

They looked differently at a problem to be solved, a work process to be improved, or an aspect of our culture that needed to be stronger. And they recognized that a diverse team, with diverse vantage points, could tackle the challenge better than a homogeneous team—or simply going it alone.

Congratulations to this year’s winners!

Champions and Change Agents in Diversity & Inclusion